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Fatso's announcements or just some ramblings, who knows.


Filtering by Tag: soul craft festival

Soul Craft Festival - June 9th & 10th

Chris Swadling

So in June I'm going to be have a stall at the Soul Craft Festival at the Meat Market in North Melbourne. So what is the Soul Craft Festival? In their words would be best:

Soul Craft is a festival for those of us who dream about making.

Soul Craft is a weekend long celebration of craft and connection presented by The Craft Sessions; created to bring the craft community together with lots of space and time to talk all things craft.

The program is two full days of all our favourite textile crafts in one big happy mix, from sewing to embroidery, knitting to natural dyeing, weaving to quilting. There will be ongoing speakers, panels, demonstrations, international and national guests, community projects, exhibitions, and a marketplace.

We want to celebrate the richness craft brings to our lives; how making supports us in our everyday, connecting us to ourselves and others and how it enables us to live the good life. Our vision is to create a space where we can come together and meet others in the craft community in real life, rather than online and spend time immersed in making.

As always at The Craft Sessions, our focus is on traditional domestic, textile-based handcraft and on the community that surrounds what it is that we do.

It's going to be a bit exciting and daunting to put my stuff out there in such a discerning arena but certainly something to look forward to. I'm going to get along with a bunch of Yarn Bowls, Crochet Hooks and other goodies, it will be fun to get to see up close how they're received rather than having the internet in the way.