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Fatso's announcements or just some ramblings, who knows.


Filtering by Tag: New Year

Happy New Year!!

Chris Swadling

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and is looking forward to very happy and prosperous New Year!!!

This year has disappeared so fast but it has been a good year for the workshop, with the Soul Craft Festival and other things, it’s been fantastic meeting so many crafty people and it’s lovely to see the bowls and other bits and pieces I make end up with other makers and crafters.

Recently I put up a couple of videos about the Nøstepinnes, one showing how I make them and another with Jo showing how she uses them to wind balls from a skein of yarn.

With school holidays and a bit of family time coming up, things here will be on a bit of a hiatus until February but I hope you all have a great holiday period and I look forward to hitting the workshop and things in 2019!!